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A festival too far: a case study about the cancellation of Eilân festival

Landman, Chelvan, T (2022) A festival too far: a case study about the cancellation of Eilân festival. Master thesis, Cultural Geography - Tourism Geography and Planning (TGP).

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This research revolves around the cancellation of Eilân festival in autumn 2019 on an island called Terschelling in the north of the Netherlands. The purpose of this study is to understand this cancellation by examining the organisation process, the contents of the festival and communication between stakeholders. Theory on spatial planning, festival planning and social impact assessment are used as a framework to analyse Eilân through a scope of pillars of ‘perfect’ festival planning. Central to this ‘perfect’ festival is a reflection on stakeholder involvement, minimising unwanted impacts and mitigation strategies. This comparison between Eilân festival and the pillars of a ‘perfect’ festival was made through interviewing local stakeholders, an expert interview and examining policy documents. A combination of miscommunication, fear of damage to nature and the question whether the festival fits the local cultural storytelling led to a trial in which the festival permits were deemed unsatisfactory. While mitigating with stakeholders at an earlier stage of planning may prevent a situation similar to Eilân festival, it will also pose new challenges such as delays and disagreements within stakeholders. The creation of a concept event vision in 2021 by the municipality, in which local event planning frameworks are presented, is a step in the direction of a more systematic planning strategy. Future research on Terschelling on planning within this new framework can help improve the understanding of event planning and its impacts

Item Type: Thesis (Master)
Name supervisor: Bolderman, S.L.
Date Deposited: 14 Sep 2022 12:10
Last Modified: 14 Sep 2022 12:10

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